Thursday, August 6, 2009

Jordan Family Vacation

We just returned from a fun-filled Jordan family vacation to Island Park, Idaho. It sounds like an exotic resort, but we actually stayed in a cabin in the wilderness. My dad rented a 15 passenger van for the week so we could all travel together. It was a little chaotic at times with 9 adults and 6 children in the same vehicle, but we had plenty of great family bonding and only a few meltdowns (mostly from Ryan). The cabin was big enough for the whole family. Ryan was glad that it had a hot tub, TV, and high speed Internet. This was my first trip to Yellowstone, and I saw plenty of buffalo, elk, and a bear. (We even had a moose wander into our back yard.) We saw Old Faithful erupt twice and several other geysers. We saw "Footloose" at the Playmill in West Yellowstone. We went to an IMAX movie and ate plenty of good food. We rented rafts and floated down the river. It was a lot of fun until I got soaked by Ryan, Tom, and Jarrett. (Thanks to Angela for bringing the squirt guns.) The water was FREEZING!! Overall, it was a really fun week. This is the first time that we have all been together for more than a day. A family vacation is never complete without family pictures! I hope we can make this a Jordan family tradition.


Marcae said...

That is so great that your whole family was able to get together. I'm so glad that we got to see you. Please move back SOON!

Trisha said...

Very fun! I hope we make the Jordan Family Vacation a tradition as well!

Liz said...

Looks like you had a great time!! Sounds fun

Brynnly and Alan said...

What a fun idea! I'm loving that your dad got such a big van for all of you! Haha! What a sight that must have been! Glad you had a great time! There is nothing like being with your family. :)

Treo Sanders said...

It looks like you had so much fun and I'm so glad to see that Ryan was a good sport and wore the matching white shirt for the family pic. Tell him he complains to much. Ha ha. We all know he just like to make things complicated. I love the 15 passenger van. That just makes the whole trip. Love you and miss you

Father said...

Where is the picture of the Buffalo?

Debra said...

My favorite part is Ryan having most of the meltdowns. He and George are becoming more similar by the day. I'm glad you had a great time...looks like fun! I'm getting antsy...maybe Max and I could come visit before winter hits?