Sunday, September 28, 2008

Twins Fever!!

Ryan has Twin's Fever!! This week we went to a Twins Baseball game. For those of you who don't watch Sportscenter every night, the Minnesota Twins are in first place of the AL central division. They lead the Chicago White Sox by only one half of a game. We went to the game on Wednesday night against the White Sox. It was very loud in the Metrodome! I ate a "dome dog" and Ryan had the bratwurst (at least I didn't have to make dinner). The fans in Minnesota are passionate about their baseball team. They beat the White Sox three games in a row. I really hope they make it to the playoffs so we can go to another game.
Running Update: With the marathon only two weeks away, Ryan thought it would be smart to buy a brand new pair of shoes. Yesterday he bought a new pair of shoes that are identical to the ones he already has. He claims that he wears out shoes faster than me because he weighs more. I think he is crazy! Nobody should buy brand new shoes two weeks before a marathon. He will have to learn the hard way. I will be there to say "I told you so" when his feet are covered in blisters. We ran ten miles yesterday, and now we get to start our taper.


Debra said...

You guys wont be let in the house if Ryan comes wearing a Twins jersey! The Sox are George's team! I'm hoping for the cubs to go all the way. Zambrano (the cubs pitcher) lives behind us, so I feel like I have to support!

Todd and Anna said...

Ryan you are crazy to buy new shoes! Listen to Debra, she is WAYYY smarter then you!
Hope they fit okay though and don't bother you in Chicago.


Becca said...

Ya I love the part where you get to say 'told you so', cool shoes anyway the orange is soo in right now what with October, starting TOMORROW! Which leads me to my next object of discussion...YOUR BIRTHDAY. It's so close I can taste it ;) Love you D

Treo Sanders said...

OH I wish i could have gone w you. Tell Ryan he's gonna be hating life if he wears those new shoes. he's crazy. I'm exucted for you guys. Good luck on the marathon. I'll be thinking of you.
Can't wait to see you
Love you and miss you so much.

Trisha said...

So fun to be home so that I could check your blog. You runners just amaze me!
Good luck to Ryan and the new shoes. Hopefully 2 weeks will be enough time to break them in.

kenz said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY!! I hope you had a wonderful day and sorry I didn't get this posted on your special day! I can't wait to see you in a few weeks for the wedding, I hope all is well and you did something fantastic for your birthday! love and miss you kenz!