Tuesday, October 14, 2008


It is finally over. I wish I could say that I enjoyed running the Chicago Marathon, but I didn't. I am glad that I finished and it was a great accomplishment, but it wasn't FUN. If I had to sum up my marathon experience in one word, it would be: HOT! We flew into Chicago on Friday night after work. We stayed in a dumpy hotel close to the airport on Friday night. Then we upgraded to a nice Hotel downtown for the rest of our trip. Our hotel was only a few blocks from Grant park, where the marathon started and finished. We woke up early and walked to the starting line. By the time the gun went off it was already 70 degrees. Ryan and I did not start together. We both ran a fast first half. Then it got really HOT! The weather channel said it was supposed to be mostly cloudy, but there was not a cloud in the sky. I could feel myself start to slow down around mile 15. I hit the WALL! The spectators kept me motivated. Over one million spectators came to cheer us on. It was really impressive! I thought about quitting a couple of times, but I am glad I didn't. I was in pain the last few miles. It was all worth it the moment that I crossed the finish line. It is such an incredible feeling to have run 26.2 miles. I could barely walk at that point. I staggered around until I found Ryan. Of course, he was already finished. Then I made him pose for pictures. (Not his favorite thing!) We walked back to our hotel. It was only a few blocks, but our legs felt like jello and our feet were throbbing. Once we got back to our hotel room, Ryan took off his shoes. Three of the toes on his right foot had huge blood blisters, and the big toe on his left foot was covered with a huge blister. I think he is going to lose a couple of toenails. It looked really painful. It probably wasn't the best time to say, "I told you not to buy brand new shoes two weeks before the marathon." (Haha!) My feet were in pretty good condition compared to his. We took a long nap. ZZZZZzzzzz.


It was such a beautiful day that we didn't want to stay inside, but we couldn't walk. So, we took a taxi to Navy Pier and went on a boat tour with my friends Debra and George. It was perfect, because we got to see the city while sitting on a boat. It was a gorgeous weekend for sightseeing, but too HOT to run a marathon.

Chicago Sunset


Fritzsche's said...

I can't believe you guys did that! His feet just make me never want to run again in my life. Anyway I think you guys are so awesome. I wish I had it in me but I just have no desire to ever run a marathon. I do want to love running though.

Marcae said...

Way to go Deb. I am so proud of you guys. Uh...the picture of you two after the race does not look like you just finished. You both look great, except for Ryan's poor feet.

Taylor's said...

Congrats! That stinks about how HOT it was . . . it is never fun to run while it is HOT.

And Ryan's feet . . .oh my! Keep us updated on this feet.

And the city line of Chicago; it seriously could be a post card. I would blow it up and hang it on my wall.

Debra said...

What a horrible picture of us on the boat...but oh well, it was great! So happy to see you guys last weekend and I'm so proud of you both for finishing under such crappy conditions!

Brynnly and Alan said...

So what was your time? You are so amazing! I've never ran a marathon and never want to. I don't think I'd make it! So proud of you girl! P.s. Happy late birthday chica! Hope you had a good one! Loves!

Unknown said...

You look so good in the picture after finishing the marathon! Congrats to both of you. Hope Ryan's feet are healing. He is lucky to have a NP in house! What a fun weekend in Chicago. Thanks for the update. Love, Ang

Treo Sanders said...

Deb my love, I am so proud of you and Ryan. I can't believe it was that hot when you just started. I couldn't have done it. You amaze me and I wish I could be like you. Tell Ryan that I said " I told you So" He is crazy to have worn new shoes and he feet look so painful but what nice feet he has. We missed you so much last night and we were all thinking of you. Can't wait to see you next month. I love you and miss you.