Sunday, December 21, 2008

Cold Toes!

I miss Utah winters!! I used to think that Utah was cold, but now I am experiencing a whole new kind of winter. Today the high temperature was -2 degrees. Luckily, I don't have to go outside very often. I prefer to stay indoors and drink hot chocolate. Last week, I had an experience that almost made me pack my bags and move to Arizona. I left work and walking outside to my car, when I got to my car it wouldn't start. This particular day was the coldest day in December since 1998. With the wind chill it was -30 degrees. Thank goodness for cell phones! I called my friend from work and he told me to stay by my car and he would send security to give me a jump. Fifteen minutes toes and fingers were frozen. Security finally came and started my car, but I couldn't get warm. I had my heater on full blast and my butt warmers, but my toes were frozen. It was painful to push in the clutch with my foot. My toes felt like they were on fire. I have much more respect for the Pioneers and homeless people. The twenty minute ride home felt like an hour. By the time I finally arrived home, I was in tears!! Ryan was there to give me a big hug. He was surprised to see me crying and mumbling something about my toes and my dead battery. He helped me slowly warm up my toes and made me some hot chocolate. I thought that they might have to be amputated, but it looks like I can keep them. I do not know how the pioneers walked in the snow without heaters and butt warmers. Since that experience, I have learned a lot about winter preparation in Minnesota. I now wear boots and bring shoes to change into at work. I have better gloves, a new battery, flashlight, blankets, and hand warmers in my car. (Thanks Mom!)


Debra said...

That's the saddest thing I've heard...I'm sorry! Just remember how great the summer was and know it will eventually come again! Maybe it's time for you and Ryan to take a Mexican vacation or something!

Treo Sanders said...

Oh Deb.... :( Im so sorry. That is soooo sad. I would have been there in 2 min not 15. I can't believe they took so long to come help you. Sounds painful. I'm glad Ryan was there to help you feel better and get warm. I miss you. Hope your christmas was a good one. Sounds like you're freezing. Come to sunny st. george. That will make you feel alot better.
Love you.