Sunday, August 10, 2008

Gopher to Badger

Time is flying by here in Minneapolis. It is hard to believe another week has gone by. I guess that's what happens when you are staying busy. Ryan and I ran a half marathon yesterday. We are trying to run a race every other week to prepare for the Chicago Marathon in October. Neither of us have run more than 10 miles in a long time. It was called the Gopher to Badger half marathon because it started in Minnesota and finished in Wisconsin. (For all of you non-sports fans: The University of Minnesota's mascot is the Gopher and University of Wisconsin's is the Badger.) It was a gorgeous day, except it got really warm toward the end!! The sun was out and the humidity was high. We both finished and did well. Of course Ryan beat me, as usual. After the race Ryan decided to take a dip in the freezing waters of the St. Croix River. I chickened out!

In other news, I finally got a calling in my new ward. I am teaching the 8-11 year of girls in primary, and also in charge of activity days. I am team-teaching with another sister. Today was our first day. We have a small class of 3-4 girls. I am excited! I have never been in the primary before. It makes me feel old. I can barely remember when I was in primary. They sing new songs that I have never heard before. What happened to the classics like: 'Book of Mormon Stories', and 'I am trying to be like Jesus." Now they have songs for every article of faith. I have a lot to learn about primary. If anyone has fabulous tips for activity days, I am open for suggestions.


Todd and Anna said...

We drove through Stillwater today and were wondering how your race went, looks like you both survived and Ryan survived the cold water!

Debra said...

You 2 are freakin amazing...

Taylor's said...

Call Lauren about activity days . . .she still does them and I believe she even has that age group!

WAY TO GO on the HALF! That is sooo exciting!

Sure do miss see you guys for our monthly dinner at Ruth Ellen's!

Brynnly and Alan said...

You guys are amazing! I can't get Alan to go on a walk with me. :)
Congrats on your new calling! That is so exciting. I've sub'd for primary a few times and it is fun. Fun to teach. Good luck!

Unknown said...

Way to go Deb and Ryan!! I didn't realize you were both running the Chicago marathon in October! Good luck on the training. We love and miss ya, Ang

Treo Sanders said...

Gee Thanks... Jaylee is the cutest little stinker. I got pics of her today w the biggest smile ever. She started smiling last week and you better believe I captured her first smile on camera. I wish so bad you could see her but i'll keep you updated w pics. You and Ryan are amazing. I wish Nolan would run w me but he HATES it so bad. I try to but its been hard getting back into it everyday like I would like. These little ones kinda limit ya. I do Tae Bo at home more now and the gym thing when I can. I already know you'll do awesome in Chicago. Your wonder woman and you don't need training. You guys look like you really are enjoying it. Tell Ryan my muscles are bigger than his. he He Kidding.
I go back to work tomorrow, we'll see how it all works out. I need the update, I'll call ya tomorrow. Love your guts.

j&rbastian said...

Look at you still running your guts out. How much fun! Are you liking it there? It looks pretty cool. I hope things are well it was so fun to see your blog I didn't even know you had one until I went to Treo's!
Miss ya - stay in touch.

Liz said...

Perfect calling. I love it, low key! I am also activity days leader. This week we talked about manners, and why it is important to have good manners in school. Not really passing off anything, but perfect for back to school. I just realized we know a lot of the same people. Scott (my husband)grew up with a lot of your link list!

Jillian said...

Dr. Deb!
Thank you for finding me!
I have missed you. Your hair is dark and since you lived with me. It's super cute. Looks like you're still a runnin' machine. I'm glad. I've taken up a few half marathons the last few months. (it keeps me off prozac) ;)
How impressed I am by your academic achievements. I know who to call when I get an itchy rash down there. LOL!! You are a real physician assistant? WOW! Please give me all the details.
Love! (You know you are near the very top of my favorite roommates of all time list!) :)

Trisha said...

I know my comment is a little late, but I was going back through some old posts of yours.
I just wanted to say that Ryan is sporting some serious guns there in his flexing picture!